
Repairing & Installations

Service & Repair

For a free estimate call us at 0469 933 132 or click here to send us a message.

A branch falling through a veranda door on a stormy evening, a football kicked through a window, or a gust of wind slamming a door shut – there are many ways glass can shatter or crack around the home or business. Not only are broken glass shards dangerous to young and old alike, but when the outside elements are invited in through an uncovered window or door on a rainy day, it can lead to expensive water damage, and further damage to your furniture.

Glass never shatters at an opportune time, and quickly become an emergency. We understand that a window, doors, or other glass fixtures can shatter day and night, rain and shine. If it happens to you, we’re ready to help you. We’re available to help commercial and residential customers at all times of the day so that you can rest assured that you’ve got an expert team of glass repair and replacement experts at the ready.

Our Service as:

  • Repairing Doors
  • Repairing Windows
  • Glass Fixing
  • Repairing Security Screen & Doors
  • Call Alika Aluminium on 0469 933 132
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