

Aluminium Fly screen

For a free estimate call us at 0469 933 132 or click here to send us a message.

How the Aluminium Fly screen is beneficial for human life.

  • Aluminium is stronger and more durable than timber and therefore lasts longer. Less frequent replacement of products such as windows and doors which means less stress on the earth’s resources, as well as being a cheaper alternative in the long run.
  • When aluminium products eventually come to the end of their life they are very easy to recycle and they can be recycled many times.
  • Aluminium has the added advantage of only requiring a small amount of energy to be used to recycle them.
  • Use Blinds for sun block out to protect furniture & flooring as well as reduce summer temperatures inside in conjunction with your fly screens.
  • Using fly screens will also help filter out the dust that flows into your home through open windows and doors.
  • Our installers will remove your old screens and doors if you prefer. These are then recycled.
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